My Biggest Obstacle is ME!

My Biggest Obstacle is ME!
My Biggest Obstacle is ME!
SKU#: PROD63882
Price: $20.00

If you've ever had a battle of the wills – your will versus God's – then you will understand the emotional insights found in My Biggest Obstacle- is ME! A true man in the mirror moment, this book will take you into the writer's own personal journey of struggle between a mindset she grew up with, the perfect will of God and the ensuing war for her soul. Armed with the word of God and a hunger to please Him, Min. Talita takes the reader on 
a transparent, and oftentimes painful, journey to self discovery and ultimately spiritual freedom.

My Biggest Obstacle - is ME! reveals one of the believers worst enemies – themselves. It gives the reader, however, the keys 
necessary to unlock their  fullest potential in God. Through self examination, much prayer and fasting one is forced to come face to face with God. Who will win?

"Life is filled with many hurdles and obstacles. 
Don't be one of them!"

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