Publishing Services in Maryland
All books published with Anointed Press Publishers are listed in the Books in Print® database and are available for sale worldwide in our online bookstore. Our international print network also speeds the delivery of your book for orders outside the United States. In addition to availability through the Anointed Press Publishers online bookstore, books published with Anointed Press Publishers are also distributed through the two leading book wholesalers in the United States: Ingram and Baker & Taylor.
Subject to certain limitations, Anointed Press Publishers-published titles will be made available on online booksellers, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and may be picked up by other resellers under the Ingram and Baker & Taylor distribution network.
MARKETING KIT - $375.00 (al a carte)
Spread the word about your book. Word of mouth marketing is key to generating high book sales. Every day you meet people who are potential customers and fans of your book. Whether it's passing out business cards to acquaintances or sending postcards about your book, our Marketing Kit is a great first step in any marketing campaign. Price includes design.
Includes 100 of each: 2-sided bookmarks, 2-sided 4x6 postcards, and 1-sided business cards. Hand out business cards to friends, colleagues, and new acquaintances. Include bookmarks with each book you sell, so customers can easily order more copies. Send out postcards to your friends and relatives, announcing your book's publication. Pass out the bookmarks at book signing events. Drop a business card in the envelope whenever you send a piece of mail. You never know who might be interested in your book!
Expand your reach beyond the people that you know. We believe that there is someone out there who needs your book and so we have expanded our marketing services to include a quarterly retail book catalog. This catalog will be delivered by mail directly to consumers in the Metropolitan Area. *Price for authors who do not choose to use us as their publisher is $395.00 for the first year. To be featured in subsequent year's of the catalog, the price is $200.00 per year.